A Day in the Life of a Cathouse Mog

10:30am Sunday Gary slowly comes to, half dressed and shivering on the edge of a filthy couch also occupied by a fat naked guy who’s lying face down with his head buried in cushions. He picks and eats the sleep from the corners of his eyes as he tries to remember who's flat it is and where it is. It does seem vaguely familiar with its smeared grubby pastel pink walls and blue ceiling. Its a high rise housing authority building, which is apparent from the low ceiling and flimsy cheap door, also painted pink, with holes knocked through. He peels his sticky arse off the sticky couch, pulls his dirty, red and black plaid trousers up his scrawny legs and picks his way through the strewn clothes, discarded takeaways and cans to the kitchen. He finds a packet of honey-nut flakes but there is only a putrid dribble of milk there. He eats the cereal dry, takes a shit in the toilet and leaves the flat. He doesn’t try to figure out who he has just spent the night with and by the feel of his a...