My Sister's World

She sleeps in the bright day The blinds yield at the edges to intense light Light that reflects on the tiled floor once inside The rumble on the junction and hiss of air con Zoned out white noise Outside the blinding sun blasts the concrete edifices Hot sand drifts between the blocks The distance disappears into a dancing blurriness The harsh sky seems to tolerate no cloud or bird Large white cars and lorries speed along scorching tarmac The only pedestrians, thin and small ragged men Scampering undignified across lanes of fast traffic Padding their way through the dusty vastness Ignored by the arrogant towers above Elusive but stark figures can occasionally be seen Emerging briefly from buildings or cars Distant figures swathed in billowing white or black garb A gender based binary The light softens and turns amber Long dark shadows are thrown by tall buildings Lights flick on and flicker in the distance Its darker inside now My sister stirs A toilet flushes Barefoot footsteps The fri...